Sunday, September 25, 2011


I do not love winter as a whole. I love the first snowfall, like most of us do, I love bundling up and walking outside and hearing...nothing. That quiet that is almost eerie. But I do not love that it lasts for months and that we struggle to keep the house warm.

But I do love the preparation. I've been puttering around the house, cleaning, making broths to freeze, cutting up old felted wool sweaters to make brightly-colored leg and arm warmers, considering making some heavy curtains for our flimsy windows. Nothing too intensive, as my neck is still healing and very, very vulnerable to injury right now. But enough that I feel like I'm useful again.

We picked the last of the tomatoes and I said my final goodbye to summer. It's been such a bloody difficult one--I can't say I'll really miss it.


- easing myself back into yoga, very slowly, very gently.
- eating tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.
- possibly painting something.
- watching an early Harry Potter movie with my small one.
- missing my husband.


  1. a good good list of healing things!! sending painlessness your way. xo

    I'm kind of looking forward to winter. just to being cozy, to eating hot things, to firelight and chilly walks with the dogs eating snowballs. It's hard for me to keep warm so I finally capitulated last year and bought an electric blanket. Heaven to slip into an already warmed bed...

    Autumn first, though. :)

  2. oh yes i feel the same. that coziness and togetherness--i think the "togetherness" part might really be at the core of what i'm missing.
    i was thinking of purchasing a few hot water bottles. one for me to snuggle, when my husband is working late, and one for the boy so he stays warm in his little bed. :)

  3. the other night, The Honey & I had grilled cheese and tomato soup. I decided it's super good for the soul.


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