Thursday, November 26, 2015


So thankful for:

- construction paper turkey's
- Nutella cake that filled the entire house with brownie smell
- my mom, who comes up with insults like "penis-schnitzel"
- The Husband, for picking up the lego's and washing the dishes while I figure out this homeschooling gig
- the ever-transcendent power of dance
- new watercolor sketchbooks that crack deliciously when opened the first time
- my boy, who says things like "I'm thankful life is beautiful."
- eating Thanksgiving dinner with reggae music playing
- friends in dresses who paint; friends in pants who crochet
- coffee and grilled cheese sandwiches
- tossing around a tiny Nerf football with my son, brother, husband and step-dad
- old, soft blankets on messy, unmade beds
- the moon, the stars, the sky, the trees
- to be surrounded by enough people, sounds, smells, laughter. Enough to forget about the lonely days, the tired weeks, the poor months


  1. thankful for you and your lovely words. xo

  2. all the best details. you've got them covered.

  3. I love your gratitude list. :) And Penis-Schnitzel is hilarious!!


Please leave some love--remember to be kind!